Izjava podpore valonskim prizadevanjem proti sporazumu CETA

Mesec ŠoltesEvropski poslanec dr. Igor Šoltes (Skupina Zelenih/ESZ) in poslanci Državnega zbora RS Luka Mesec, Violeta Tomić, Miha Kordiš, Matej Tašner Vatovec, Matjaž Hanžek in Franc Trček iz poslanske skupine Združena levica so na člane valonskega regionalnega parlamenta in valonskega premiera Paula Magnetta naslovili pismo, v katerem izražajo polno podporo valonskim prizadevanjem proti sporazumu CETA.

V pismu izpostavljajo, da je več milijonov evropskih državljanov že izrazilo nasprotovanje trgovinskim sporazumom TTIP in CETA, a so bili preslišani. »Zato v celoti podpiramo vaš pogum in pokončno držo proti CETI. Vaš NE sporazumu CETA je NE v imenu vseh nas. Vi ste glas evropskih državljanov, ki mu je mar za prihodnost naslednjih generacij.«

»CETA ni le tehnični sporazum o liberalizaciji blaga in storitev, temveč gre za na naše socialne in okoljske standarde, regulativno sposobnost javnih oblasti in neodvisnost našega sodstva,« so še opozorili v pismu.

Ob koncu so ponovno izrazili podporo valonskim prizadevanjem ter dodali: »V tem odločujočem trenutku ste steber demokracije in svobode. Nihče ne sme in ne more v našem imenu trgovati z našo prihodnostjo in svobodo!«

Pismo v izvirniku (v angleškem jeziku) objavljamo spodaj.

To the attention of Mr Minister-President of Wallonia, Paul Magnette, and the Parliament of Wallonia Dear Mr Minister-President and Members of the Parliament of Wallonia

As Progressive Member of the European Parliament and Progressive Members of the Slovenian National Parliament, we would like to express our full support to your opposition to CETA.Millions of EU citizens have clearly expressed their opposition to trade agreements such as TTIP and CETA. Unfortunately all Member States and European Institutions have ignored the voice of European citizens to STOP TTIP and CETA.

Therefore we fully support You for the courage and upright posture you took against CETA. Your NO to CETA agreement is a NO in the name of all of us. You are the voice of all those European citizens who care for the future of the upcoming generations. It is important to stand against CETA agreement as it was negotiated in a non-transparent way. Furthermore CETA is not only a simple technical agreement on liberalization of goods and services.

It has to do with our social and environmental norms, the regulatory capacity of public authorities and the independence of our justice. In these difficult moments we are with you and we believe that you are going to stand tall against all the pressure you are experiencing at this moment. In this crucial moment you are the pillar of democracy and liberty. Nobody should or could trade in our name with our future and freedom!

You can count on our full support!

Igor Šoltes, MEP of Greens/EFA group
Luka Mesec, Chair of parliamentary political group Združena levica
Violeta Tomić, MP of Združena levica
Miha Kordiš,MP of Združena levica
Matej Tašner Vatover, MP of Združena levica
Matjaž Hanžek, MP of Združena levica
Franc Trček, MP of Združena levica
