Govor dr. Mateja Vatovca, IDS, poslanca Združene levice na posvetu o tajnih sporazumih na zasedanju Interparlamentarne unije:


Dear Chair, colleagues,

It is of utmost importance to stress the role of parliaments in the process of discussing the role of corporations in UN decision-making. The consequence of globalisation is that countries are no longer the major player in international relations, as the key role therein is being assumed by large corporations with their capital. Our task as legislators is to adopt appropriate legislation in this field which will ensure the respect for human rights, labour standards, environmental protection and transparency as well as mechanisms to counter corruption.

In this context, I welcome the UN initiative calling upon the private sphere to adopt 10 general principles relating to human rights, labour, the environment and corruption and cooperate with the UN to this end. This will ensure that the markets, trade, technology and finances will progress in a way that can benefit both, the economy and the companies throughout the world.

But we should also take into consideration the role multinational corporations play already. One of them would be the activity in promoting the adoption of the so-called “secret trade agreements”, one example being the Trades in Services Agreement (TISA). Such agreements, the discussion of whic takes place in strong secrecy, are not just un-democratic in this regard, not giving information to citizens, but also to states (in the case of EU), but also harmulf, as their main goal is the liberalisation of the market in services, which could be seen as a strong threat o public services such as education and healthcare.

It is thus also very important to take into consideration such activities, when thinking about the relationship to be developed, betwee the UN and multinational corporations.

Thank you!
